It Takes A Village

There is this incredible and amazing joy that comes with being a parent. It is sometimes indescribable.
It’s my experience that amid the joy there is also this sense of guilt, and there is nothing quite like the guilt that inevitably comes with being a parent. Almost everyone you meet, every television advert, and every ‘specialist in the field’ (qualified or not) will have an opinion on exactly what you should be doing. An opinion on what is right and what is wrong when it comes to parenting.

I recently read this post by ‘Raising Ziggy’…

“PSA: I love my kids. I also spend every day, and every night in their company. All day. All night.
Looking forward to Ziggy starting kindy does not mean I love him any less. It does not mean I take him for granted. It does not mean I don’t enjoy spending time with him. It does not make me a bad mum…. A bit of space every now and again helps me love them better.”

When I returned to work and my babies (now 18 and 20) started preschool I cried more than they did. The guilt I felt was all consuming as I beat myself up for what I thought “should” have been. I mean that picture in your head where everything is all lovely and I’m like the mum from Stuart little. Followed by the disappointment of realising I am actually more Mr’s Weasley from Harry Potter, but without a magic wand.

Fast forward 16 years and I am a teacher, with two amazing, capable, incredible children that I couldn’t be more proud of, and who weren’t scarred for life from going to preschool. I see the tears in the eye’s of parents who are enrolling their children for the first time. Or speak in hushed tones about how excited they are to be getting some time to themselves, like it’s so very wrong! They speak of the guilt, and so much worry. I want to tell them. You are amazing, loving, incredible parents. I know this is hard but it’s so worth it.

I want to let you in on a secret, there’s no absolute 100% perfect way to parent. For some families some things work, and for other families those same things are a disastrous nightmare of epic proportions. Even the parents who look like they have this whole parenting thing totally sussed are winging it! We are all winging it!

The teaching team here at Athenree Montessori have all been there, we are parents and we get it! We also all feel passionately about providing a happy, respectful, nurturing, environment where children know that they are safe, have a place, and are cared for. And we walk our talk. You have to do what is right for your family, regardless of what the Woman’s Day says, or the neighbour. We are here to support you and your children, and we are passionate about doing that for every family.

Please remember the importance and necessity, as a person and a parent, of filling your cup. Because you cannot pour from and empty cup.